Thursday 25 October 2012

Dear Little Pansy

(Today's post is dedicated to my family and to our dear little Pansy, wherever you are

This is the picture of my daughter's first cat, Pansy which died about 2 years ago. It was abandoned as a little kitten at our backyard. It had a leg injury, we gave it medical care and my daughter named it. After that, besides food, I did not take much notice of Pansy. Little did I know that it was sick. I was too busy with my own work. I regret not paying it attention then. My daughter was heartbroken when it died and it remains to this day, her first "cat-love." Since then, I learned the lesson not to  take animals for granted.. They need care, just like us).

I first  started blogging in August (on behalf of Chang) and started this blog on October 6th. It has been almost 3 weeks since but it feels much longer than that. I intend to spend time with my daughter this weekend, hopefully to bake a long promised cheesecake and also let my hair down with my best girlfriend.  My daughter, on seeing me blogging, managed to create her own little blog to share with her group of friends. A blog to post poems and stories she wrote. And it is so much more awesome than mine! She loves reading and writing. I am very proud of her.

I came from a poor family. I did not attend kindergarten and did not know a single English alphabet when I entered primary school.  But I am proud that by the end of year one, I was the top girl in class. My teacher called me forward to congratulate me but I had no idea then what it was all about. I was blur as a cow! (Not to insult cows, though).

When I was 12 years old, I decided to look at the little library of books in front of the class.  Out of curiosity, I picked up an Enid Blyton book called Second Form at Mallory Towers . From then on , I was hooked. I read voraciously, anything I could get my hands on. And I used to write. I wrote little journals to express my feelings even though no one taught me to. In secondary school one day, the English teacher read out my essay to the class, I was surprised and pleased as a peach.

Years later, I chose the practical world of accounting though I am very much a creative linguistic type of person. This blog gives me an avenue to express myself and to write. My husband is supportive and gives me feedback on my posts. He encourages me to write what I like and to be who I am (like RG).  My daughter helps correct my typos before I post. I sometimes take my husband's  consideration towards me for granted. That is something I have to address. 

I will be taking a break from blogging this weekend. I will read and reply to comments and will post again on Monday. I am thinking of writing a post in memory of Chang on his 49th day but we shall see. Wishing all of you a good break this weekend. Let your hair down.And a big thank you for being there for Bodhicircle!


  1. Hi CF,

    Yes, writing is like singing. You either can or cannot. You cannot bluff your way out. You certainly is a good writer in expression and in grammar. Again, writing is like singing. It is an inborn gift. Anyone can learn to write or sing. But to write well or sing well, I believe, is an inborn ability. You are most fortunate to be born intelligent. A look at the present education system, I cry for those who did not attend kindergartens. During our time, never heard of kindergarten. We all learned ABC only when we went to school, just like you.

    Looks like your daughter has taken on the mother. Congratulations!

    1. Dear Justin,

      It is nice to be acknowledged for something that one likes to do. And coming from someone who writes well himself, what can I say but a warm thank you.


  2. CF,

    RG is just one rambling old man. Unlike you, he's definitely is not a blogger nor a writer but a guy who shoots off his hips and upsetting people around him.:))


  3. Dear RG

    I dont see you that way at all. Comments are a point of view. Who is upset?


  4. dear RG,

    Why are you suddenly saying that? Nobody sees you that way.Its weird when you say that. (puzzled)

    VC :) no offense

  5. Like mother like daughter, CF.

    :) TL.

  6. Chill.....don't you guys noticed there's a smiley :)) at the end of the comment...sigh...


  7. Dear CF,

    Just curious, how did you and Chang got to be friends?
    Wondering coz you both write very well.

    How I wish my kids would find enjoyment in reading books rather than game consoles.


    1. Dear Mike
      Will be writing about Chang in the next post. Chang was proud of his style of writing.In this multimedia age, it is not easy for parents. I read to my daughter since she was very young.
