Monday 26 November 2012

Animals, A Passion

Jimmy and Tommy at Root Institute, India
Dear Little Pansy
Ginger with her brood,Toffee and Sorren

Animals, whether they are pets or not, have a special place in my heart. I have watched them being abused and treated nothing more than an "animal" Animals have their vital function in this world. They are not here to "serve" us. They need a voice. And society has to wake up to the voice of conscience.  The killing  and torturing of dogs or cats or chickens, etc We put down animals which no longer serve our purpose. Why? Do we really "own" them? They, too can be our teachers and our friends. There are countless stories of the comfort that animals have brought to human lives.

When I was about four or five years old, I saw a sick dog suffering in our garage. I did not understand then but I gave it water and and cried because I saw its suffering.  That experience made me realise that I am a being with feelings and compassion in my heart. Over the years, whenever I did something unkind, that experience reminded me to go back to the path of kindness.

Sorren, Checkers and Caramel driniking milk
We all are beings with compassion. We just need to open our hearts and minds to allow it to flow. Whenever we have done something unkind, we just need to come back to the essence of our being, forgive ourselves and tap into that compassion within ourselves.


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