Friday 31 May 2013

Move Forward

I have been busy lately. Last weekend, I attended a Family Constellation workshop. It was very good. I learned alot about family order and family systems.  I found it enlightening and interesting.

If we keep an open mind, we open ourselves to so many learning opportunities.  There are many new courses and experiences which come our way.  If we resonate with them, make the time and effort to  learn. The limits we face in life are limits which we place on ourselves. We give ourselves many reasons not to do what we know, would be good for our growth. Louise Hay, the famous motivational author took up ballroom dancing at 75 years of age and the piano, at 86.

I realised during the course that the obstacles which we face in healing our relationships and in forgiveness can be attributed so much to being judgmental and "wanting to be right"  In our need to be right, we forget that others, whoever they maybe, our parents, siblings or friends are just doing the best they can.   As Louise Hay said, we live in a prison of self righteous resentment.

In many instances, people  are just doing the best they can, with the understanding and awareness that they had. They were unable to give more because they did not have more to give. It is not something we like to hear nor accept. Not when we have unmet needs which look to be fulfilled by others. We have to learn how to meet those needs ourselves. Take that responsibility rather than stay stuck, holding on to expectations which may never be met. We are also just doing the best we can. That is the reality and reality is always sobering.
 Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. CF,

    It certainly was a long long while since I last read yr blog.

    This afternoon whilst doing haniduko (or stuck there)the thought of Chang came to mind, as expected I forgot his blog and yours too

    Thanks to Google, I found both and so try to connect.

    By chance I read yr post abt Oreo, and also recently we kept a stray cat until it suddenly disappeared did we realise we missed it so much.

    So we look for every opportunity to be friendly to another young kitten, a stray too, soon the lovely UGLY (as we call her) becomes part of us.
